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Marietta Torriente

Associate Director, Communications + Outreach

Marietta is the Associate Director of Communications and Outreach at Trifiletti Consulting. She manages all aspects of the firm’s marketing and website content, drafts procurement and proposal materials, and helps create and implement community outreach campaigns. She is currently leading outreach efforts for the Los Angeles International (LAX) Airport Residential Sound Insulation Program, and in the Westlake/MacArthur Park neighborhood on behalf of a proposed transit-oriented joint development project with LA Metro, and she supports the firm’s advocacy and communications efforts for the Inglewood Transit Connector (ITC) Project.

Marietta also serves as the firm’s copywriter by drafting and reading content and revising material used in Trifiletti documents such as grant applications and project outreach content with an eye towards a final product that is comprehensive, accurate and concise. She also assures that all of the firm’s materials, much of which contain highly specialized and technical content, are readable, easy to understand, and relatable to its targeted audience – particularly when it comes to community and stakeholder communications.

Previously, Marietta spent two years as the Director of Scheduling for Los Angeles Councilmember Mike Bonin, CD11 where she was tasked with strategically and proactively managing the Councilmember’s complex schedule while at City Hall or in his district meeting with constituents. Her Los Angeles City Council work involved organizing, prioritizing, and coordinating with City Council staff on all scheduling requests, events, and briefing the Councilmember on policy and governmental affairs. Marietta first came to local politics as a volunteer for Eric Garcetti’s successful campaign for Mayor of Los Angeles, later providing events support for the Mayor’s Office of Protocol. Prior to that she worked in museums and the arts including development, donor engagement, events, and fundraising roles at LACMA and MOCA.

Marietta received a double Bachelor of Arts in Art History and History from the University of California, Los Angeles with an emphasis on Islamic art & architecture, and studied Historic Preservation at the University of Southern California School of Architecture. She is bilingual/bicultural Spanish, a native Angeleno from the Echo Park/Silver Lake area, and currently lives in the vibrant Koreatown neighborhood.