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Monday - Friday 09:00AM-17:00PM
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Hollywood Burbank Airport

In partnership with other major airports in the region, Hollywood Burbank Airport engaged Trifiletti Consulting in their work to reduce emissions around airfields for cleaner air throughout the region. The Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority developed a voluntary memorandum of understanding with the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) as well as an air-quality improvement plan to reduce emissions around the local airport.



Trifiletti Consulting led the development of the MOU between the Burbank Airport and the AQMD, advised on sustainability policies to support the entitlement efforts and the Air Quality Improvement Plan for Hollywood Burbank Airport, and supported the coordination between the AQMD and SCAG’s latest regional transportation plans.

Icon Project Management

Project Management

Icon - Policy Development, Sustainability, Affordable Housing, Transit-Oriented Development, Economic Development

Policy Development – Sustainability

Icon - Design and Implementation of Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

Interagency Coordination