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LAX Landside Access Modernization
Project (LAMP)

Trifiletti Consulting - LAX Landside Access Modernization Project (LAMP)

A 5.5-billion-dollar landmark effort, the LAX Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP) aimed to redesign access to the airport, create connectivity to the Los Angeles County Metro rail system and improve passenger experience with changes such as the construction of an automated people mover, a consolidated rental car facility, new intermodal transportation facilities and new roadways. Trifiletti Consulting was engaged to manage critical, extensive coordination and cooperation between numerous governmental entities, including the Los Angeles World Airports, the City and County of Los Angeles, Metro, Caltrans and the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as to oversee several distinct environmental clearance processes. The project also demanded substantial revisions of the LAX Plan and LAX Specific Plan Ordinances and development of design and sustainability guidelines. When complete, the LAX LAMP Project will create a new world-class gateway to Los Angeles and a new front door to LAX.



Spearheaded by Principal and Owner Lisa Trifiletti, we led the planning, entitlement, environmental clearance and outreach for the LAMP, as well as the development of the LAX Specific Plan for all of LAX. From developing the LAMP Project’s innovative strategy and aggressive entitlement schedule, to forging collaboration between numerous local and regional stakeholders and regulatory agencies, to developing the LAX LAMP Design and Sustainability Guidelines, our comprehensive public outreach program achieved consensus, facilitated approvals, and reduced delays and risk along the way.

Icon Project Management

Project Management

Icon Land Use Planning

Land Use Planning, Entitlement and Environmental Clearance Services

Icon - Design and Implementation of Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

Interagency Coordination