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Hackman Capital Partners | Television City

One of Los Angeles’ most iconic studios, Television City represents a billion dollar investment by the Hackman Capital Partners, which is committed to supporting a new generation of creative talent, fostering equity and diversity in the entertainment industry, and to promoting long-term operations and sustainability in the famed Beverly-Fairfax District with its TVC 2050 Plan.

Rapid evolving technology needs and the growing demand for production space in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area necessitates the modernization of Television City. Los Angeles-based Hackman Capital Partners, an independent owner/operator of studios worldwide, purchased the 35-acre site in 2019 and has proposed a plan update that will allow the space to continue on as a premier production facility, providing local jobs and economic stability for decades to come. TVC 2050 ensures the studio will continue to be a world-class production studio generating significant community benefits such as mentorship and job training opportunities in the media industry, partnering with industry leaders to achieve greater diversity and inclusion, and by investing in area businesses still recovering from the impacts of COVID-19.

In January of 2025, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved to expand and modernize this historic site,



Trifiletti Consulting provides professional consulting services and project management on behalf of Hackman Capital Partners and works directly with the Project team to manage all due diligence, plan check submittals, and the City approval process while also ensuring community and stakeholder buy-in through an inclusive, strategic, and transparent outreach plan.

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Project Management

Icon - Design and Implementation of Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

Interagency Coordination

Icon - Plan Check and Permitting

Plan Check and Permitting